Program > Invited talksINVITED TALKSHybrid Optimization: The Many Marriages of CP, MP, and SAT In recent years, novel hybridizations of constraint programming, mathematical programming, and satisfiability have emerged, primarily through novel frameworks building on top of column generation, Benders decomposition, and Lagrangian methods. This talk reviews some of the progress and opportunities in that space and their applications in scheduling and vehicle routing. Xpress Mosel - Modern Ways of Developing Mathematical Optimization Applications The modelling and solving environment Xpress Mosel has recently been turned into free software. Mosel integrates with a variety of other languages and it has now also become possible to use alternative Mathematical Programming solvers from within the Mosel language, in addition to the FICO Xpress Solvers. In this contribution we show how other LP/MIP or NLP solvers can be connected to Mosel for use within the Mosel language. We will also demonstrate how to call Python, R or Java code from your Mosel application. We will conclude the talk with a presentation of the integrated development environment Xpress Workbench which allows model developers to deploy (and debug) optimization models as fully fledged web applications simply by adding some configurations.